You're welcome sir. However I might point that while your rebuke was of me, I was agreeing with the original author. If you're going to speak to someone, you might do the research to also identify the origination of the comment. I don't apologize for agreeing with Marley, but I also didn't initiate the comment. That's a critical differentiation. You are apparently new to this platform, sir, I'm not. I've taught effective communcation my entire corporate life and wrote two prize winning books on it. Taught it at some of the highest levels of government and corporations. That however doesn't mean that calling out evil behavior is bad. Evil is evil is evil is evil, like the last four years under Trump. You may not agree, that is your perfect right. But I will not be polite in the face of evil, and you and I both stood for our right to do precisely that. I respect your opinion, thank you too for your service, and I think we need to agree to disagree on this.