You're not alone. Barring those other Medium writers who come after those of us who point this out, I will agree with you. Four years on this platform, and I am at 10k plus. AND four times, I was in the four digit category, very healthy income, and overnight my earnings were halved. Four times. So while the dimwits who love to critique those of us who point this out as idiots and JUST KEEP WRITING. I did. Have kept writing. My writing has also improved. And I have more than ten thousand readers. AND last year during the summer I was making twice what I making now with MANY more readers. Two years ago with even less readers than I am making now, I was making twice my current earnings. So to the naysayers I say you don't know shit. My social media guy nad I have looked at this twelve ways from Sunday. The math doesn't work, and no amount of mewling by other writers barking at us to just keep writing changes the fact that Medium screws with the payment plan. I write at LEAST one article every single day. Much if not most of my stuff is curated. So don't fucking tell me to just keep on writing. Medium screws with the algorithm, and we get our earnings cut. It is that goddamned simple.