You’re most welcome. And yes, an apology was called for. I probably won’t change my spicy language ( I am ex-military, it comes with the territory) but I appreciate your hearing me out. I use sometimes pretty dark humor to keep my sanity, which is in part from my military training but also from a very close friendship with a first responder, who sees the worst life can to do people. We’re extremely close, and we share a sense of the absurd and the irreverent.
When I was 23 I was gang raped in the military. Then sexually assaulted while strapped to a gurney at Walter Reed Hospital. Later that year I was assigned to a psychiatrist who was a rapist. Each time I went to his office, you can guess. He was a senior officer and I had no say in the matter. I have had to work through those things on my own at great cost. Humor has allowed me to rise above being a victim. Sometimes I can be a little harsh, but life has in fact been a little harsh with me. It has also been incredibly generous. It’s my job to focus on the latter.
If I am wrong, I own it, Dipti. It would be irresponsible for me not to apologize.
Please stay well.