You already are running howling through the woods. That is how you write, Yael, that is what keeps me reading your stuff, and it's also how and why you can see when someone else is doing the same. We speak our reality into being, whether it's by pen or by keyboard or by shrieking it into the night winds. We speak our reality into life. The words we say have heft and warp and power. That is why you get death threats. I am sure my time is coming, but as a much older woman I doubt I'm the same threat. You and Elle and Rebecca Stevens and so many of us, all colors, all genders, rewriting truth, rewriting our experiences, and reframing what it is to be the multicolored, multipowerful, enigmatic female is part of how we do indeed reclaim our woods. We do not see other women as competition. We do not see other women as threats. When we write, we lift. And as the comments on this article prove, the good men are lifted with us.