Yep, leaving this week on Thursday, but as I've made it clear, Laura, I am keeping a presence here. And to be both fair and frank, one of the reasons I write so many of these is because so many people are having trouble finding my articles in the first place, so they don't know I'm Ieaving yet, and have no idea where to find my stuff. So while it's a lot like listening to NPR keep haranguing you for money after you've donated, there's a very good reason I'm doing this, and it's because of the mess that's been created. It would be LOVELY if all I had to do was put out ONE story and everyone would see it and then make a choice. But not only is that not how Medium works, it's not how marketing works, and it's not how people work. People have to see a message many many MANY times over before they take action, inertia is very real. So while I understand your point, it's irrelevant in the face of what it's going to take for me to get the word out to my readers. You are under no compunction to read my material, Laura. But if you don't understand the process and what it takes to communicate to Dear Reader on Medium these days, a problem all of us are struggling with, then I would ask that you simply not read these pieces. Here is how to understand this:
What they are saying is that in truth I should be putting out this message SEVEN TIMES A DAY every day. I wouldn't insult people that much, but kindly, every day I hear from someone who just that moment found out I was leaving. It's who we are, how distracted we are, and how inert we are. I wish in every way that I could streamline this process. But it's the world we live in. Just tune it out, Laura. Those articles aren't for you. They are intended to reach those readers who are following but for whatever reason, aren't reading, or haven't seen the message yet. This is the way of the world these days and it irritates me as well, but if I am going to move fans over to my site, this is what it's going to take. And in the future there will be more because people will wonder where I went, because they didn't read any of the articles already published. Why? Because we are all overwhelmed, we have other priorities, and as the article says, seven messages a day every day is what it takes to move someone to action.
I appreciate the comment, and out of respect, I am taking a goodly bit of time to explain my why. If you were counting on your followers to be able to support yourself, and I do, then you too would be doing this. You don't have to read those articles. After Thursday I will be dripping likely one a week on various topics as before, and I will again remind folks where I went. Because people simply do not pay attention, especially with a war going on.
If Medium hadn't fouled up the system, I'd be making what I was making last year and none of this would be happening. But this IS my living and I am fighting hard to stay on my feet. I wish you the best, and respectfully ask that you respect both the challenges I am facing as well as the process by which I am doing my best to manage it. It's not about you. It's about working with how things are, not as I wish them to be.