With all due respect you do NOT speak for "most men," unless you have spoken with, interviewed and researched MOST MEN on the planet, Sir. This kind of overarching, mindless I SPEAK FOR ALL GUYS comment speaks also to the problem. You speak only for yourself, as we call can only speak for ourselves. It is magnificently arrogant and ridiculous to pretend you — or for that fact anyone else- have the slightest clue what "most men" think. Not only that you have the even greater breathless gall to speak for "most women." You demonstrate with great alacrity where the problem lies. Ego, arrogance, ignorance, in the form of a man who has to velcro fake claims to himself to create some semblance of veracity and power. This kind of claim is what I have seen over and over again on dating sites: I speak for all men, and you (fill in the blank). NOBODY (speaking for all men) likes muscular women. It is the bully’s tactic to use ghost people to bolster a point that they themselves are making.
I love how perfectly you underscore Beccia's points. We can most certainly see where the problem lies, sir, it stares back at you in your bathroom mirror every single day. That of course is true for all of us. What frustrates me is the sweeping statements- that any of us decides to make for anyone we don’t know, which is effectively anyone who is not us. We simply aren’t privy to the inside of anyone else’s mind, their ideas or preferences. Only their actions. You can accuse me of being angry but here’s what gets my goat- this is precisely the kind of generalization that utterly disrespects individuals, our right to be uniquely ourselves. Such generalizations are insulting, which is why I call them out. Let’s please be a lot more responsible here. You can only and forever only speak for yourself just as I cannot speak for “all female veterans,” for example. I can only speak for myself. That much at least is true.