When I saw the title I wasn't sure what to expect, other than here's another woman who thinks she can speak for all of us. I am delighted to be wrong (that happens a lot) and wanted to underscore a few points. As a single woman most of my long life, at 68, and having had my fair share of muscular guys as I am also an athlete and body builder, the piece around kindness really hits home. While I most certainly do prefer the muscles- albeit I do not expect a six pack, which is ludicrous- what has almost always been missing is the generosity of spirit. The kind of self-adulation that sometimes, if not often, accompanies the body beautiful also tends to take away from the attention to others, and others' needs and rights. I concur that society blasts us with utterly unreasonable expectations, to which I would add the whole world of porn, which also creates ludicrous expectations. I prefer an athlete, which is hard to find at this age, but above all this piece about kindness resonates. My last BF has a mean streak; he thinks he's kind and then WHAM. He's as trustworthy as a rattlesnake, which is why he's an ex. Kindness is so underrated.