What a breathtaking assumption, Laura. Simply breathtaking. While I can (somewhat understand) your overly-defensive attitude about the haters, I find this comment, intended or not, mindless. I don’t know too many women with this kind of free time. Most of us have to work, many like you have kids, and it smacks of self-righteousness and arrogance to make this kind of statement.
You give people too much ammunition with which to hoist your own petard, Laura. I am no fan of online haters, and find the compulsion to attack anyone for any reason in any Medium puerile and immature. However, you might rethink this statement. Not only does it not reflect most of our reality, at least with those with bills to pay, it has the ring of judgmental superiority to it. That’s no way to answer your critics. It simply feeds the flames and gives folks more reason to fire nasty darts at you.