this needs its own article, MK. I cannot write this, .you can. Here's the angle I see: Black COMFORT with being last is what keeps folks there. While yes, they sacrificed their comfort and continue to, the complacency that comes with "that's just how it is" driven by religion and training and The Rules, create a comfort in place, "at least we're not dead" kind of compromise. What you're advocating for is massively risky, and it pushes against the tsunami wave of cold comfort that too many folks accept simply to survive. When being last means well, at least we're not pushing up daisies, becomes OKAY, and the only way some Black folks find their way slightly higher is to sell themselves down the river to White Supremacy as you've written elsewhere, then that becomes the new low of acceptable comfort. I think this idea deserves to be teased out and developed on its own.