This is so insensitive it rips the breath right out of the chest. YOU'RE racist because I need to impose MY ignorance on you, it triggers your grief, so now that's YOUR problem? No wonder we can't move forward.
What this does, and the White friend doesn't see it (as so many do not) is force the Black friend who in terrible pain and grief (AGAIN) into the servant leadership role of helping assuage the temporary, passing pain of a White person who does not live with the tribal grief of the entire Black community. It's not their job. It's ours, to sort out our role in being ignorant, complicit, and how we perpetuate, uphold and celebrate societal systems which keep right on allowing Black bodies to piled bleeding in the streets.
Just saying. One y oung, blonde, blue-eyed, pretty White chick gets shot and lies bleeding in that same street, THEN let's hear the collective uproar.