This is a really salient point. White people, and I am going to make an overly broad remark here for the sake of a point, don't quite get it that being Black is to be personally damaged by every atrocity committed against yet another Black person in our society. That collective experience and the subsequent grief are extremely difficult embracy by people who do not share the same kind of connection to the centuries old experience of an entire people. While on one hand that knits the Black community together in grief (every kind of grief, including denial), on the other, that same community pays a terrible price for being affected so deeply each time this happens. We White folks do not understand, cannot understand, particularly in a nation which so values individualism to the point where shit happens to someone else, hell, at least it didn't happen to you.
Kindly, I beg to differ. What happens to George Floyd and all the predecssors, and those to come, and sadly there will be more, DID happen to you. For despite racial differences, we are one species. We are one people. The atrocities we commit as a species against each other, be they Rohingya or Rwandan or anything else, sicken us ALL. If we don't understand this, then we are doomed to continue genocide. Which is precisely what's happening in America, albeit in ways that most folks cannot, will not see, are incapable of seeing, for to do so means that they in some way or another are complicit if only through ignorance.