The better options are to own your own email list, which for many of us means start from scratch, or invite folks over to our your own website. That's what I did. It's slow, difficult and because so many are doing it, it thins the pool for folks willing to pay you apart from Medium. There is also Substack, where I am not going as yet because I have too much on my plate. Online writing has skewed sideways like all things online, Wendy. So I am completely refocusing elsewhere. You can also write for publications directly. Looks like Writer's Market finally got itself back on the Market, pardon the pun, so you can pitch stories directly to individual publications. Otherwise these online platforms, Newsbreak included, ONLY want to pay you ONLY if you do all the marketing and ONLY If you do all the work to bring in subscribers to their website and BTW don't you DARE pitch your stuff (that's Newsbreak, not Medium, which at least tolerates it, which I appreciate for as long as that lasts). That's the model. You and I do all the work to get paid a pittance. NOPE. If we have to do all that work, Wendy, let's do it for our own products, not someone else's, for as we have seen, the rug will get pulled out from under us regularly. Medium's original idea was an oasis. Constant tinkering changed it utterly from a place for writers and readers to a place full of scammers and plagiarists and folks quite happy to make patently false claims about earnings in order to make money off foolish rookies. And folks get mad at me for calling it out. Guess that must be one of the scammers.