Since I am living this at 68, I can only speak to my experience. I did the swipe left thing, found a guy for a while twice, the last was a disaster, and I am vastly happier alone. If I want a hug I go groom a horse. Do I miss intimacy? Maybe. Sort of. I forgot what it's like. If I wanted to dig a spoon into the dark well of poor me I would most certainly be able to dredge up great sadness. However, and again I can only speak for myself, I 've come to love the life I have, and continue to craft, vs. long for what I don't, which is a waste of life. I have no idea what's coming. If it's a few evenings by my big stone fireplace resting after along badass international adventure, I cannot possibly complain. Until I hafta head back to the gym to train for the next one. It comes down to where I put my attention. Not always easy, but it can be done. I refuse to become one of those angry old women mad they ended up alone. After all the sexual assaults, the rapes I've had to survive, being alone just ain't all that bad. I think you really speak to a reality shared by many, but I have to wonder how much of our being alone is because our expectations are so incredibly unfair. I dunno. If I know my happiness is my job, and finding the White Horse is my job, and I'm the one who rides it, and I"m the one who takes responsibility for my outcomes and life quality, then that takes a lotta pressure off anyone who might show up on a donkey. Besides. I'm rather fond of donkeys.