Several things here, Martin. First, you appear, although I don't know, to be making some assumptions which have no basis in reality. For the last two years I have put yeoman's work into diversifying, across multiple channels in many areas. Most didn't bear fruit at all, Newsbreak did just fine until they changed their payment plan and overnight I went from $1200 a month to about 79 cents. It is so very easy to armchair quarterback when you have no idea what I've been trying and how hard. So kindly don't make such assumptions, particularly since I spent fifteen years teaching small suppliers that very lesson about multiple income streams and diversification in the Fortune 21. I don't think you read to understand because I made it clear that leaving Medium was always a matter of moving the majority of my stuff and more of my best writing to my website, and I never ever said nor did I imply that I was leaving completely, all of which I clearly state in this article and previous ones. I never intended to leave completely, others took my comments that way. It's all very clearly stated. To say that reader's priorities change is like telling me, oh, gee, certain topics trend. Of course they do, Martin, I have written about that as well. So while I suspect you mean well, and you are trying to help, your comment completely disregards both the points I made in the article as well as a great many other articles I have written about precisely the same things. I don't expect you or anyone else to have read all that. However, to be polite and respectful, it's a good bit more engaging to ask me first rather than assume. You may not mean to be condescending but that is indeed the feel of your comments.