Sarah, as someone who is 68 and living my passion which most certainly includes horses, I wanted to touch in on this. For so many years I was hammered with the message Do What You Love and The Money Will Follow, which is just another form of bullshit prosperity magical thinking. There is having to make a living, then finding joy in it, and there is evolving into choosing to do more of what you love, which is what I did, and which cost me a shitload of income. However, giving up the income and learning use the learned skills I had to trade for more of what I love paved the way. That doesn't imply this will work for anyone else. It did mean that I was able to finally do what I love, which is adventure travel with horses and other animals, all over the world. We lose sight of the value of being able to choose what lights the fire in our hearts over the need for more shit. We don't need more shit, Sarah. We need more love. That costs little. Giving it up costs us all a lot. You might want to check out what Medium writer Beth Bruno had to say recently about loving being a homemaker more. It's to your point.