Same book I have, Elle. The first chapter really speaks to what you address. Women, in my estimation, have all too often been desensitized to what really is wild and wonderful them, taught to despise and hate it, fear it. You can’t speak to that. That’s centuries of conditioning. I had to find my own way to my own voice, which really is my authentic self. I am going to write more on this- it’s going to piss off a bunch of folks, but they are not our readers. Not everyone wants to hear this if for no other reason that the enormous grief of what we, our mothers, our mother’s mothers and all the way back have sold their wild for perceived safety. It wasn’t. It was jail. But then, that’s just me. Estes still lives here in Colorado. She’s got a number of audio books out but I prefer to read her stuff. This is the very definition of deep work, and it will honestly scare the holy living shit out of most. Not our readers, not about this topic anyway.