Ruby, I respect your comment. And I stand by my article. I have rarely if ever called someone out but this particular piece, given our world-wide issue with ageism, really hit me in the wrong way. Ms. Daum is an excellent writer, as I said so in my piece. Depending on where you read, Medium can be positive, but after three plus years on this platform it has gone the way of Twitter and Facebook. I didn't call her names, I took issue with her ageism. There's a difference. I honor your right to disagree with me, that's part of the conversation. However you won't find me committing character assassination, and this piece wasn't that. I have a strong difference of opinion, and in this particular case chose to share the article because it underscored my point. Rightly or wrongly, that was my choice. I may choose to change it later, but right now I won't. Again Ruby, you have every right to disagree, just as I may disagree with you. Given how difficult it already is to age in this world, most particularly in America, I am increasingly concerned with articles that are so ageist. We are all of responsible for what we write, just as I am for what I chose to write in response to Ms. Daum's piece.