Precisely- and if I were to take this a step further, we hardly understand ourselves. THAT is the beginning of wisdom. But the vast majority of us have no notion of this. You do, or at least you sound as if you do. As I have written elsewhere, I don't know shit. That is truth. None of us truly does. THAT starting point allows us to begin to learn and grow. The willingness to not know is what allows us to see, learn and evolve. That is humility. A very rare thing indeed. i realize that's not your point, but I don't care. Your
"SO?" comes across as almost belligerent. What's the point? There is none here, except an invitation to see what most of us don't want to see: that we know nothing, truly, to learn to be porous, to accept that our understanding is limited, and by doing so we are allowed a great measure of grace. That is the "SO."