On Stupid Stories by Clueless People

Julia E Hubbel
2 min readSep 22, 2024


Just a thought, folks

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

I only come back to check, but sometimes when I do, holy crap

Friends tell me to cross post here. I probably will again at some point, I miss some aspects of the community.

What I do NOT miss and which really ruins my appetite is when I check for comments on my older posts and stumble on a moronic piece by someone perhaps a third my age barking at the audience about how to grow old.


Writing about how we’re guaranteed to be weak as we age, for example. Well, you might, Sparky, but that’s because you haven’t done the work, eaten the right foods, hit the gym or whatever the chosen sport might be to beat back sarcopenia and loss of VO2.

Oh WAIT! You didn’t know about those things? You didn’t KNOW that you can stave off such losses through basic diet and exercise and above all, attitude?

That’s because you didn’t bother to research before you wrote anything, silly girl. Idiot.

Medium continues to be a caveat emptor kind of place. I see more and more horrendous material that is pure bad advice, not researched at all, and offered from someone with zero credentials.

Kindly don’t write advice to people in their sixties and up about how to age when you don’t even have crow’s feet yet. Just…..please.

My fellow writers, readers and commenters, please kindly continue to call that nonsense out. Ageism is idiocy packed into all kinds of packages parading as expertise.

It’s still shit in a sausage casing.

I’m not going to tell you who wrote the piece. She’s blocked. Let’s write about what we know, what we have lived, above all what we’ve researched.

Let’s stop insulting Dear Reader.

Do better.



Julia E Hubbel

Stay tuned for some crossposting. Right now you can peruse my writing on Substack at https://toooldforthis.substack.com/ More to come soon.