Okay, this so called “cougar” was up at 4 am today on the Maasai Mara, and about three hours later was on a fine horse riding through the rising mists. We came upon two large male lions and a female in estrus. The two had been fighting over her the night before.
The one who won likely brought her a Thompson’s gazelle for brekkie.
If you make broad comments like this, Ravi, about ANY group of women, you are, with all due respect, a bit of a fool. To many any assumption about any group of women disregards the extraordinary variety that we all bring to the table. Kindly, it’s a bit asinine to think that ALL older women don’t much need gifts. PUH LEEZE. What , you think that that a sweet little “hey babe, I’m here for ya” is gonna get you a first class blow job every time?
For this particular female, who slept right next to the Mara River last night listening to hippos- the most dangerous animal in Africa- about six inches away on the other side of the canvas of my tent- you’d better do a shitload better I’m here for ya. I’ll bet you would be. Sure you would. Right there on the horse next to me starting down two adult lions and a very ansty female out in the middle of bloody Kenyan wilderness.
Articles about this trip to follow, Vienna, once I get this bright red sunburned nose under control and a week’s worth of socks hung out the hotel window to dry here in Nairobi.
No gifts. My ass.