Okay, looks like I might be the sole female to weigh in on this. I missed Blade II, but recently watched the hilarious Demolition Man which Snipes stole the same way Alan Rickman stole Prince of Thieves from Kevin Costner. The last two weeks I've revisited all my scary movies, and among them Hellboy, both. It's remarkable how handsome the perennially ugly-but terrific Perlman becomes in those movies. I will get this sequel, if for no other reason than it was Snipes in his prime. He was also pretty good saying "Righteous" in the sequel to The Fugitive, which was supposed to be Tommy Lee Jones' star ride but Snipes gave him a run for his craggy-faced money. I am a huge fan of Del Toro, whose wicked weird world vision finally got validated in Shape of Water. He is a fine artist and one hell of a director, always and forever inhabiting the outside fringes of Hollywood's elite while consistently outshining in originality and pure creative genius.
I miss the days when heroes didn't need CGI and boulder shoulders to be hits.
I love guy movies. I have a couple of art films in the house but I am a John Wick, Expendables, Arnold, et al fan. Sure they're silly but by the same token they are hugely entertaining. Those led up to the badass girl films like Atomic Blonde and Locked. Those also rock, but they are guy-style films styled with women. Just as fun.