Oh my dear Peggy. You are clearly new to my work. What a kind note. If I may: I've been punching out material on this platform with remarkable regularity for three and a half years, with around `1700 articles to my name just here. To be fair, these past two weeks have seen a sudden and horrific tsunami of ugliness which I've never seen before. In all fairess my material is getting curated far more often, Medium is promoting it more, that means more eyeballs, including evil ones. If anyone can handle that I can, but I openly admitted to having been hit hard lately by far more than normal. So if I may clarify, for I blocked someone this morning for that same reason. As a long-time speed reader, I can quick scan something and within nanoseconds I can see where the commenter is going. The very second I know it's ugly, BLOCK. I won't read the comment AT ALL. That's how I block the sewage now. I'd been doing this for a while but now it's a hgh art. As a prize-winning author of a book on the power of words, I am well aware of the damage they can do. I do not bear the conceit that as a person both new to Medium and my work that you are at all familiar with my writing, but will offer this: I don't suffer the problem of worrying whether other folks like my work. Nearly nine thousand folks follow me, and a slew more read my stuff all over the Internet, and I am bombarded with great comments and kindness. Said comments often make their way into my work. I do not block folks whose feedback is critical but who work responsibly to add value. I've written about that a lot. As to feeling better, I'm a very serious athlete. A spiking BP for me is a symptom of something that I can address. It would be an understatement to say that not only do I know how to take care of myself but I don't waste a single moment questioning my competence or value. I am more concerned about folks who don't have my backbone or sense of humor. That said you are lovely to be concerned. I'm good to go.