Oh Kim, sorry for the late reply. There is no advice I can give you. You either give it your full commitment to see if you are willing to stick with it long enough to have it begin to pay off (that is where people usually get seriously hooked) or you find it appallingly repetitive and boring. I LOVE being strong. It gives me options. But weight work for me is also very Zen, soothing, and the repetitive motions are calming. Also, the incremental gains which I can see, which are inevitable because I injure and have to stage comebacks, are fantastic feedback. There is nothing like being able to add a weight, pick up the next bigger dumbell, add another twenty situps, whatever. It doesn't hurt to come and go. The point is to move. You WILL do what you love. You WON"T do what you hate. This isn't for all of us. HOWEVER....you can bypass a lotta weight work by learning to do full pushups. That exercise works an awful lot, and boy does it help prevent the underarm wings of middle age. I sure don't have any, and my Mom's rivaled Batman.