As usual, I love your work, Sean. I get your points. I’ve got nearly forty years in teaching Jungian archetypes. This is my wheelhouse, squarely, if for no other reason than it’s perpetually fascinating. While I understand, I would respectfully point out (and will do an article on this) that while you acknowledge that accepting differences is key, the behaviors you describe in your previous partner sound like they have more to do with a serious lack of emotional maturity. We are often drawn to our opposites, for that offers some measure of balance. The intolerance you describe — what you have to change or do differently to make someone else more comfortable- sounds like a compulsion to measure others' value and competence in terms of how much they do things the way we do. That to me is patently unfair, because it strikes me as being intolerant of your right to be more inwardly focused by nature. Your preferences, or mine, aren’t wrong. They’re just different. There are billions of shadings of these characteristics, including introversion and extroversion (as well as the preference to focus on people vs task). There are four major styles, you describe two, and then there is a fifth, which speaks to adaptability. That ability to accommodate is emotional maturity, recognizing that there are lots of ways of being in the world. But it depends, as all things do. I would respectfully suggest that we allow for not only the whys of how we are attracted to our opposites, but also the way those situations teach us tolerance of differences. It’s just one way we are challenged to grow. Just thinking out loud. It’s all comedy fodder. Eventually anyway.