No easy answer. My body isn't anyone else's, and it's constantly changing. The big things: I quit bread and grains but for quinoa and oats. My body doesn't do well with them. I dumped sugar for fruits. Quadrupled my workouts. No sweet drinks, no colas, sodas EVER AGAIN. Lots of water. No pasta, no bread, cakes, cookies or donuts. I watch how things change over the years, test, and study. That's the journey. We are always changing, there is no set THING that works for all of us all the time. We are too dynamic for that. Veges and salads are my mainstays, no red meat but for once or twice a year, and no pork. Fish, mostly salmon, and eggs. I do eat dairy but can't have yogurt. What we can't have at times, as with myself, can evolve out of a changing body. No simple answers. I eat to live, not the other way around. And if a doctor or nutritionist takes a food off my menu for health reasons, I graciously accept that and move on. NO booze not EVER.