NC, I learned more about changing how people treated their animals not by browbeating but by example. While that's a long story, the bottom line for me is that a whole bunch of young African boys watched what I could do with a cow that had never seen me before, watched it lie down and put its head in my lap. They were impressed. And they noticed that no beating was involved. While I am as rabid about animal rights as the next person, I stop when it comes to putting my own sorry aging ass in danger, and ask different questions. Instead of barking, why don't I just show what happens? Of course it takes longer, but it also lasts longer. Much of what I see I can't write about. It's way worse than the horse with the ticks. So while I get it that folks can get offended, better stay home and brick up the doors to the big bad world. HOpe you are seeing lovely fall colors.