My dear, when someone will bloody well start taking photographs of older women in leggings, who do what I do (other than I bore the holy shit out of my readers with photos of myself) I will leap off the nearest tall building. It is a constant source of frustration that the free photo sources do not provide us with viable options, that even Deposit Photos, which I mine for some things these days, still do not understand that there are plenty of us who live out loud, dress in cool ways, and actually (GASP) have a life after sixty. I am with you sister, don’t doubt it. However I battle- as do all of us who are of a Certain Age and who write about such things- to find photos that we can use that tell the real story. Exceedingly frustrating. I have noted this to Deposit Photos. Made my frustrations clear. But until we as a society make room for other versions of aging, and take photos of real folks doing real things that I know damned well they do because those people pass me while running, hiking, doing stairs, then I am stuck with what is available. I neither have the time nor do I have the skill or equipment to go out and do all those photos myself. Kindly, you will find no argument from me. If you can locate such a source please advise (as long as it doesn’t cost an arm and a leg). But also kindly, before you critique you might want to go onto Unsplash and just see what they offer in terms of badass older ladies. Not. Much. This is society talking, not this author.