Kerala, while I can understand your point, let me share one further. As a 69 year old international adventure traveler, just how many photos d'ya think I find of women like me out riding horses in Kazakhstan, hiking Kilimanjaro and Mt. Kenya, bodybuilding (I have for fifty years), kayaking the Arctic? The photos I find are of little old ladies STRUGGLING to lift a one pound effing dumb bell. Are you kidding me? In my personal circle are serious bodybuilders, martial arts experts, bodybuilders and very very VERY serious athletes all well over sixty and into their eighties. Where are OUR photos? I get what you're saying. But kindly, wait a while. By the time you hit my age, our age, you are utterly and totally invisible. I have been seriously badass and kicking ass for years and years. I take my own photos because nobody else will. I could leap out of an airplane right in front of someone and they wouldn't see me. Welcome to my world. Your complaint is duly noted, and I have publicly eviscerated Unsplash for precisely the same reason. However, add color and older Black or Brown women who rock are even MORE invisible. So to counter that, I write about them. The world is not solely made up of young athletes. There are millions of us, Kerala, but wrinkles don't sell. This isn't a battle we're going to win. All you and I can do is live the badass life and write about it. Otherwise we might as well not exist. Now if you'll excuse me I have to get back to training for a second Kili summit next year, at seventy. being a badass is hard goddamned work.