Kenan, Two things, and please hear me as this is intended: first, congrats. Second, talk to us in thirty years. Anyone, ANYONE can lose weight. Very very very few people, and I am one of them, can keep it off. Most folks gain it back within an average of two years. I've kept my 85 lbs off for 35. The trick is not in the losing. The trick is in the sustaining of the program. That is why every single time I read one of these many, many, many, many articles about weight loss, my response is meh. Because you've done the easiest part. Between barely 1 and 3% of all folks who embark on these programs manage to do it for life. The proof is when you can look in the mirror ten, twenty, thirty years from now and you've been able to maintain. Of course it's hard. The congrats are real, but you only took your first baby step. The rest of your life is the true grown up work of doing this day by day, week by week, month by month, year to year. People lose big weight every day. VERY few of us keep it off for the rest of our lives. So before we get too caught up in the motivational speeches, Kenan, all that rah rah about you can do it, you might want to prove you can do it over the very long haul. That's not criticism. It's an invitation. I've done it. I keep doing it. Believe me, I know how hard it is. I hope you can too.