It strikes me, rightly or wrongly, Johnny, that her reactions to her own behavior, documented in all its ugly truth, is a mirror image of Trump and all his denials of what he said on tape, did on tape, and which was still tolerated and denied not only by himself but by his supporters. That behavior which I am going to coin as DO IT AND THEN DENY IT has become rife. How on earth do you deny what was widely seen and recorded? Live in America, Johnny. Where "alternate facts" are now admissible in court. What a joke we've become that she can even get a lawyer, but then, witness Trump.
When I was growing up in the Deep South, in my household, if my brother or I ever uttered the n-word we would have been bitch slapped and drop kicked to next Friday. I grew up with such a hatred for the word and all the viciousness that it entails that at nearly seventy Istill can't say it out loud, it carries so much weight for me. My parents felt the same way about all racial slurs and good for them.
It is borne of self-hate, this idiot racism, Johnny, and there is no cure of it that I can see, at least not in my lifetime. That there are so many stories- and so damned many of them involve blonde white women-boggles the mind.