It remains a mystery to me that most Americans have no fucking clue that the preceding president's policies- good bad and ugly-haunt the next president for four years. People were FURIOUS with Obama for not being able to wave a magic wand over the shitshow he inherited. He fixed it as best he could over his tenure and handed Pus Face a much improved economy., whose glow Pus Face claimed for his own the entire time. Biden inherits a much worse shit show and like the puerile idiots too many of us are, WE will be pissed he doesn't have a Disney wand to fix it all overnight. So not only does Obama get vilified for not promptly fixing what couldn't be fixed overnight, his detractors give Pus Face credit for something he has fucked up royally. And people cannot see it. We are a nation of uneducated toddlers wanting Mommy or Daddy to give us our candy NOWNOWNOW. I am sometimes deeply embarrassed.
No. Not sometimes. Kinda, a LOT.