In addition to a slew of other things I do I recently added the Turkish Get up to my routine. It’s a bitch if only because my right pinky toe is refractured, which means that part of the movement, all while holding a kettle bell aloft, is clumsy. That said, I still do them, because it’s such a superb balance, strength and combination set. It’s not at all hard to turn everyday activites into exercises. Sometimes I do squat jumps up and down my stairs, or I turn plugging something into the wall into a deep squat without using anything to balance or help me back up. All those remain effortless. However, at my age, 68, neither of my parents, now long dead, could do a fraction of what is effortless to me. I wrote with real anger about a piece I read this morning which stated, completely without cause or research, that someone of 60 can’t do what they did at 24. Yeah. I can do twenty times MORE than I could do at 24, because I am training my living brains out regularly, eat carefully, don’t drink or smoke and pretty much do what people keep telling me old folks can’t do. Well, a great many more young folks can’t do what I do either for the same reasons: poor habits, bad food, no exercise, drinking and smoking. Which means that they, at 20 or 30, have a body that is far older than mine on the inside.