I’m going to ignore your side hustle hustle and pin you on this, Evan. At 68 I’m an international adventure athlete. That’s just one thing that makes me different. It’s the prize winning author, prize winning journalist, 47 year bodybuilder, blah blah blah that most men don’t wanna know. I haven’t met your so called "strong man" yet, because the guys I’m interested in are athletes, but also emotionally mature. At the risk of using an old saw, the men I love most are married. I don’t sacrifice what makes me uniquely me, and the last BF got tossed out on his ear for wanting me to stop my adventure travel because I had a stomach bug. Really? How about when I broke my back in eight places riding a horse in Kazakhstan, Sparky? Men my age want a wet nurse, Evan. Most of the ones I’ve met can barely lift a ten pound dumbbell, much less hike Kilimanjaro or Mt. Kenya, which I did at 60 and 65, respectively. I find your "coaching" vastly uninformed, and completely off the path when it comes to women who live truly out-there lives. That doesn’t make me right and you wrong, let’s just say I wouldn’t hire you as a coach. Especially when you’re pitching side hustles on Medium, which kinda hints at how well that dating coach gig went. But that’s just me. ANY man who believes he can tell women how to get a man is already barking up the wrong tree. How about you coach MEN how to earn our respect? What an idea. What a crazy, overdue idea.. I think the basics are fine, but they would be finer if the men would show up with a little self love that doesn’t put the Almighty Penis as his first and foremost, if not ONLY priority. Coach men for a change. Nuff said.