If I even tried to respond to it would end up a War and Peace. Lorrae, I am SO BEYOND people asking me how I "GET" my arms, "GET" This and that. Next Wednesday I am doing an interview with a local bodybuilder who has cerebral palsy. 1) he holds many of the state records in power lifting (400lbs+), 2) he started out at 150 lbs, 3) his doctors told him at an early age he would never walk. When I saw him at posing practice the other night I noticed something "mildly neurological"-my words- when he walked. He's now preparing to compete on stage. Honestly. I am so so fucking OVER having folks ask me for hacks to get healthy. No such thing. You do the work or you don't. You eat to live or you don't. Grow the fuck up already. Folks get so defensive when you point this out. Again, GTFU. You want shortcuts? Your body will look like it. End of rant. (I would posit that plenty of folks ask you how you "get" to retire early. Does work my ass off mean anything to you? Just saying). I'm not without a sense of humor but Christ.