I would argue in agreement with you about the nuance. What most people don't realize-those in particular who have not traveled extensively which would be many folks, is that at our base, we share pretty much everything. All such values. Religion is window dressing at best; it's what we identify with, and what we identify with can be so easily twisted into sickness, which is what we see worldwide. If we're not careful, the window dressing can so easily be further twisted into beliefs of superiority, which is a hair's breadth from excuses for war, brutality, mayhem. The eternal "god" question is the single biggest motivator behind the world's bloodiest wars. I am no fan. I AM a fan of deep respect and regard for others' humanity, which has nothing to do whatsoever to with religious beliefs, but essential values. I am a practioner of Buddhism which is not religion, but a discipline of the mind, and even there it's been twisted into genocide, witness Myamar, where I have traveled. Nobody owns the sacred values of how we respect and care for one another. For too many, these days, their religious identity allows them to ascribe to themselves all those values which then, simply cannot be part of anyone else's belief systems. This is how we slide so easily into hate. But that's just me.