I would add one more bullet point to this, Jessica, which really speaks to a larger issue:
That you (men)call out sexual misconduct among your brethren, work hard to stop it when you hear about it or see it in action, when you are with your buds and they brag about their actions. And on and on. Complacency, lack of action, lack of courage to stand up for women when out with the boys, inaction when they see something that is morally wrong are all huge parts of the problem. So- called woke men aren’t woke if they’re only woke when it won’t bring them bad boy brotherhood censure.
Having the courage to call out this shit, to bring the wrath of a woke brotherhood on the shitheels is part of the responsibility ALL men with a consciences have. Conscience isn’t convenience, it’s hard fucking work.
Silence is complacency and implicit permission. It’s as bad as taking part in the rape itself.
Growing a pair of real testicles means that you might have to suffer a blow or two to your own when you take a stand for the women. We women have been taking it for humanity since the beginning of time. It is perhaps overdue that our brothers be willing to help us bear the burden of brutality in all its forms, not just when it’s handy or when there isn’t real damage in the deal. It might be fair to say that we’ve carried the burden for both women AND men for a very, very long time.