I see a great deal of genuinely misleading information and dietary guidance that isn't guidance. The worst is body hate articles, articles on how I LOST 100 LBS YOU CAN TOO bullshit, which, kindly talk to me in thirty years, Sparky. Only 1% of us are successful for good reason, and I mean US because I am now at 35 years keeping off 85 lbs. So I have agency in the matter, but not because I believed asinine ridiculous advice and fad diets. I lean into the science, work out, and eschew sugar and ALL ultra processed foods. No it's not fun. I love sugar. Sugar does not love us. There are good books out there calling out how most American industries profit on our misery. A healthy nation, in effect, is a bankrupt one, that's the American mantra. You can buy that bullshit or you can carve out your own path. I choose the latter, and invite people to play. Because if you don't, by fifty you'll be disabled. Those are choices. Hard ones, Carrie, but they are choices.