I read your article out of curiosity. Hot is extremely individual, Hannah, so what is hot to one guy is icy cold turnoff to the next. I was tickled to death by the responses, to which I might add: hot has little to do with the body at a certain point. As an international adventure athlete and life-long bodybuilder at 68, I still have one hell of a hot body- it's from a lifetime of hard damned work. That is if we are ONLY addressing the body here, and looks, which are fleeting and superficial. Hot is also measured in whether or not we have a brain, stories to tell, experience to draw from and rich life full of variety and interests. Those make us hot. It is utterly useless to be hot and stupid, hot and vapid, and hot and completely, utterly and totally obsessed with being hot at whatever age. That is a general statement, not an indictment of you. The larger point is that brains, humor and a solid background are fucking sexy. Nothing more boring than being with a nice body who has nothing but vacuum between the ears. Our society's intense focus on beauty vs. having a life, a great body vs. being healthy, and physical attraction vs. any kind of broad interests and conversational skills has skewed all of us to focus solely on what cannot possibly last.
The older I get the more interesting I get. The more engaging I get. I posit that there are damned few women your age who can regale a companion with my stories, which range across 47 incredible trips and include skydiving, bungee jumping, kayaking the Arctic Ocean, and riding half wild horses all over creation in some of the world's most remote places. and I am not rich by any means. I simply spend my money on living life vs. worrying about the wrinkles that are defining my face and telling the stories of the mountains I have climbed and the chances I continue to take. Those are also hot. So it depends. Beauty is a lovely thing, great. We never enjoy it while we have it, instead we worry it to death until the lines of worry obliterate youthful gorgeousness.
My recipe is to get out and live. Fuck looking hot. Just live. THAT is hot.