I love your writing, Sean, and can't imagine what it might be had you continued the booze. For one thing, bingers and alcoholics and addicts stop developing emotionally right about the time they trade their evolution for scoring the next hit. I lost a brother and a father to that. While I had my own issues with eating disorders, at least they didn't alter my psyche in the same way and make me a victim of even more rapists than the ones I had in the military while stone cold sober. I have no space for booze yet I married a boozer, like my father. That ended fast. We have lost entire generations of people to drink but the industry is too powerful and folks too determined to bury themselves in a bottle. I don't get the years I spent with my face in a toilet back. Nobody gets those years back. But we can most certainly live better lives. It takes a lot of courage to walk away from so-called friends who push their addictions on us to join the party. The party kills. I don't have an issue with light drinkers who are perfectly in control. Too many of us aren't.