I honestly do not believe anyone truly understands this kind of statistic. We are so numb, the killing so normalized, so "acceptible" that it's ho-hum, gimme a coke, wouldja? This is what terrifies me. As an expert shot with an M-16 in the military most folks would just assume I'd be pro gun. Nope. Not on your life. I'm not the only vet who left the service with a very profound respect for weaponry and where it did NOT belong: in the hands of the fuckwits that now have basements full of them. I honestly do not give a flying shit about the Second Amendment- for all the thoughtful and historical reasons that sane folks have made achingly clear- but that we are so happy to litter the ground with (mostly Black )bodies using weapons we have no business owning, well. Don't get me started. Just, don't.