I heard a story on NPR the other day which pointed out yet another factor, and this time it was Millennials moving to very small rural towns to buy up super affordable housing because they can. In this case, a highly paid couple who worked for one of the tech bigs, who moved to a very small Michigan peninsula town. They bought one house for practically nothing on their combined incomes. Now they are sweeping up many more and flipping them, basically becoming the Dreaded Boomers that are so hated. Trump and his ilk have much to answer for re: the housing crisis, but in all fairness to just about all of us, people are predictably greedy. Rather than buy ONE house, be happy with it, said couple is now buying and flipping many, forcing up the costs to locals, who can't afford the rise in taxes because it was a dead mining town.
Honestly. I moved to a smaller town to fit the hell in. Not buy anything up. I'm a small town girl whose towns, both in Florida and Denver, got taken over. Not by Boomers, but mostly Millennials who could afford it. I can hardly blame them for wanting to live there. However, it is both rude and idiot for Boomers to bark at anyone who did not have the same economic advantages we did, and there were some. But also it is also (and I'm not saying you are, just adding this to the mix) a bit blindererd to not also note that those with money, which most certainly includes Millennials and some Xers who happen to have remote-capable high paying jobs, who are also in some if not many cases engaging in precisely the same grabbing behavior which hurt so many others, Boomers included. Too many Boomers' financials were wiped out either in the housing market or from medical care or from aging parents or any combination of same.
I guess I kind of cringe when I see generational arguments and accusations because, even given the generational assholes who love to hate based on age in any direction, the issues really are very complex, and largely driven by those who can take advantage. That's not age-restricted. There are jerks in all age categories who love to lump everyone into categories, but in all fairness to you and all the rest of, it's just not that simplistic. Just as there are jerks of any age who feel the need to hoard no matter who gets hurt.