I fucking loved this, Nick. I don’t check my stats very often for this very reason. Lately, my reads have been sliced b y 55%. My dollars are WAY down. Since I am a top writer in travel, that makes perfect sense. In one way I felt invisible. Then, I said fuck it. Keep writing. Shit happens. Life goes on. If I live by my numbers, I also die by them.
I’m too busy living. None of those stats speaks to the quality of what I produce or my value to my readers.
You and I agree on probably the single most critical thing, and I am rewording it here: do I give a shit about my readers? Do I read, respect and respond to their comments?
Damned right.
Blips, troughs and stupid shit happens, like runs on toilet paper.
Life goes on. And I’ll continue to write about it.
Thanks for a good read.