I found this article insulting, and agree with all but perhaps one person on this thread. To ignore the fact that the Uber rich, many of whom were Trump friends and allies, bought up housing IN BULK and then repackaged and repurposed it at four times the price is fucking ridiculous. To blame Boomers is also fucking ridiculous. I worked my mother fucking ASS off to buy the house I have now where I plan to die thank you very much. You want to blame someone, blame the folks who took advantage of the market when folks lost their homes. Like now. You don't get to blame all Boomers for the pirating practices of the uber rich, not when so many of those folks are, like me, living on a disability income and what I get from Medium. You wanna call that MASSIVE WEALTH? Fucking ignorant. Are there asshole Boomers? You bet. Can you spell Trump and his buddies? Are there asshole Gen Xers? Can you spell Bezos and his buddies? Are there asshole Millennials? Can you spell Mark Zuckerberg and his cronies?You do not get to blame this on an entire generation. Lots of Boomers can't afford to sell their homes in Denver because there is no way they can find another place. They didn't do that. There are a hundred hundred lousy societal issues pressing on this one. What an ignorant article. And shame on the Business Insider for adding to generational hate when we need to solve such issues together. SHAME on you. I am lucky to HAVE a house. I earned it, penny by penny. How fucking dare you imply that Boomers, many of whom are facing old age and plenty of their own issues, should be pried out of their homes. Now there's a fine solution. Let's add 'em to the homeless population, shall we? Idiots. Not that I feel strongly. Pavane Ravel said it all a helluva lot better than I could but I need to rant. Rant over.