I don’t need to be a mom to give this fifty high fives. The 'publicans and evangelicals are probably delighted.
While I am deeply sorry about the cost to get our collective attention, Covid-19 is forcing many of today’s younger women to finally realize what women before them fought and scratched to secure for our girl children- the meagre gains that have been under steady attack (abortion rights, anyone?) Equal pay, the glass ceiling, all issues that marked my youth. So many took those minor rights for granted. When you start ripping away minor rights then you begin to notice the much, much bigger wrongs which were there all the time.
The issues you touch on here for women in general we can amplify times a hundred for women of color.
It is my deep hope that the GenX women reaching their mid- fifties, those Millennials hitting forty will finally and truly get their collective anger behind topics that matter a shitload more than encroaching wrinkles. We have lost our country to the worst possible cretins, and we are shoving our daughters into a world my generation thought we had left a long time ago.
But ladies, this is what happens when we become media puppets, and too fucking distracted by our waistline than the world for which we are ultimately responsible.
If we want a better future we have to fucking fight for it. My generation did. Previous generations did.
Or, we can settle for the grotesquerie that America has become. Opportunity is built, earned, and battled for. We have been losing badly because far too many if us have allowed ourselves to be utterly manipulated. In the process, we sold our children’s future off to the highest bidder.
Don’t like that prospect?
Then vote. March. Put the fucking phone down and write your senator or vote the old fuck out of office. Or else we are going to have a Congress full of bugfuck deep staters who would like our girls to be married off at twelve and start punching out units for the State.
Yes. I exaggerate. Problem is…
not by much.
As usual, terrific work.