I disagree on one thing, Rosalyn. This was no microaggression. This was a big stage to effectively slap two Queens for no reason whatsoever. There was NO CALL for this. I had her back when Sam Elliot publicly shamed himself, but then she turned around and effectively did precisely the same thing.
You can't roll that back. And there is no way to walk it back either, no kinda apology when you so publicly make that kind of misstep. The Williams sisters have suffered a hell of a lot more than Campion ever will for reasons she clearly doesn't understand.
A great many sports writers have said that Serena is THE athlete of the last century. As for ever lived, I dunno. That's over my pay grade. I happen to agree with that status for what she has been through and how much she has had to tolerate and she wins anyway. Nobody barked at Jane Campion in a book about screen writing and shamed her body. So kindly, Get over it, Janey.
I am forever gobsmacked at what falls outta folks' mouths when they aren't minding them.
Perhaps what disappoints me most is that this kind of thing underscores for me how the internecine quarrels, woman v woman, then add color, means that we continue to be manipulated rather than absolutely, positively ALWAYS having each other's backs rather than clambering on top of them.
That was both hard to watch and hard to hear. She will be hard to take seriously after this.