I did that last year. And I made the idiot mistake of thinking that it was a trend and sustainable. It was neither. Within five months, those earnings were eviscerated by 80% and so were the earnings of nearly everyone else I spoke with. So while yes, I agree that it can and does happen on Medium, what I found many times over, and I do write consistently (at least one and up to three articles every single day, Alexei, for four years, which is monumental consistency), the algorithm changes to favor the house. There are few people on Medium with my kind of immense productivity. I have more than two thousand articles in four years and more than ten thousand comments. I would wager that maybe a handful of folks are that busy writing. So while I agree about consistency, and productivity, since I refuse to write productivity and outrage porn, the vagaries of public interest can leave us in the dust, and the further tinkerings of Medium staff do further damage. When I hit a very decent four figure monthly earnings last I heaved a huge sigh and thought FINALLY. A few months later I was at 80% down. And I had more followers by far AND was even writing more. So there is no rhyme or reason, and I would advise you to not make any further investments based on Medium. Those of us with longer track records all have the same shared horror stories to tell.