I agree wholeheartedly with all but the digital nomad. While I might cringe at its usage, there is indeed an entire industry around just that, with a plethora of visas offered by increasing numbers of countries with this in the title. While I am not exactly one myself I am a travel blogger, and indeed a nomad in that sense (visit my website, I've spent a lot of time on and around camels). The moniker is more likely apropos for me than for most. However the term is now institutionalized. Nations everywhere are soliciting digital workers, the word nomad grew into favour (I am guessing you're a Brit, or at least from a previous colony) and now it's part of the industry vernacular. That is my industry, and to be fair, it's not going to go away. That said, I'm hardly a "wanker" with a laptop, I'm a prize winning journalist and author with more than fifty countries under my belt, and have been doing this a good long time. Slapping this term around as you do actually touches more than a few of us who are extremely well-qualified journalists who do this for a serious living. And yes, well before Covid. Is there a silly subgroup of wanna-be? Of course there is. But that's true of all fields. I'm an experienced adventure traveler, and you'd never find me with my toes in the pool next to an umbrella drink. I really am a "horizon huntress" as my handle implies. And quite often it is indeed on a camel (Or horse or elephant for that matter) That's easy to verify. And all due respect as one who also lived and worked for years in Australia and New Zealand, "wanker" is slang for "one who masturbates". Damned right I do. I realize your use of the term is the more insulting version, but as a wordsmith, I'm calling you out on that one.