How I would love to scream you are wrong. But you're right. What hurts so fucking much about this is that it doesn't matter how far this nation thinks it's come, MK, we are retreading old ground. The business about allyship strikes me as so much bullshit, particularly if you look at what's happened since George Floyd's death and all the hoopla that followed that turned into so much goddamned public posturing and centering of Whiteness so that folks could climb aboard Black backs and claim how much they supported a movement that they promptly fucking dropped the second it demanded some skin, if you will. The more deeply I dig my emotional roots into this issue and the more deeply I care about it the more disgusted I am with people who cannot, will not take stock of what societies everywhere have learned from colonizing countries, and who continue those same policies with impunity.
The more I read, the more I watch, the more I see the less I like my race. The less I respect my race.
I wish you were wrong. You're not. This business in Ukraine? LinkedIn and social media went all stupid over a pretty blond blue eyed woman and her family found dead in a ditch after a bombing. But the Black folks trying to get the fuck out of Ukraine with everyone else, the blatant racism? Oh, that's a distraction. Frankly. MK, that's about as loud a FUCK YOU to Black folks everywhere as anyone could possibly have shouted to the heavens.
I wish you were wrong. You're dead-on accurate. Please take care of yourself, protect yourself.
And bloody well keep writing.