Hey Dr. T-<M. I took that test. It's seriously flawed, for this simple reason: as the test client, I am FORCED to choose answers that don't fit me. I wake up bright6 eyed every day at 3 am, like it or not, and am in bed by 7:30 pm. The test doesn't allow for this. So this test, which frankly is ridiculous from my personal view, dictates to me this following utter fallacy:
No. By that time I've been in bed for more than TWO HOURS.
Tests are only as useful as those who create them. There is research that indicates that as we age, our circadian rhythms change. I was always a 5 am person, being a farm girl, but when I hit around sixty, my body suddenly shifted. I leap out of bed full of enthusiasm between 3:00 and 3:30 am. I am hardly alone.
The assumptions made by the test designers, force people to respond based on the closest fit. That's not good test design. For I am hardly alone. Plenty of other folks, athletes like me, also get up uber early, with joy and verve.
I'm certainly capable of making my own determinations, and certainly have been around long enough to know damned good and well I'm a bona-fide morning person. However, I find that the intellectual limitations and the wrong-headed assumptions of those who design the tests limit the value of the outcomes. All too often they validate the bent of those writing the tests rather than allow for the full range and flavor of the human experience. But that's just me.