Hahahaha. How Dare you call bullshit.
Honestly, Lorrae, I did this to someone who reached out to me on Linked In and she went fucking ballistic on me. I called her out for spamming and she called me a RACIST. OMG I nearly fell off my chair laughing. The woman is of color, but nothing in my response and callout to her was about race. It was about spamming behavior. Spamming has nothing to do with race. I blocked her. I don't have time for that shit. Unlike you I'm not retired but I thrive on being busy, it makes me happy. My busy is filled with shit I love to do so it's not exactly like work. But I am so fucking tired of bots. Even worse, it is a huge insult to my Black friends and family to slap a goddamned race card on a callout about bad business practices. They have nothing to do with each other. And yes. It does cause me to wonder.